Waiting became the routine, anticipating the next NATS weather updates, with a mix of hope and trepidation. Many hours were spent lying around on top of backpacks and sarongs spread out on the cold hard airport floors. We now know every shop in KL airport off by heart- where to get the best coffees, muffins, and indian food- and Bec has sampled nearly every perfume in stock!
Thanks to the Red Cross for the 4 hour innings on army style stretchers at Stansted, before the lovely stretchers were whisked away by beefy security guys for another lucky punter.
After 7 days of trying to get to Copenhagen airport, we were finally on our descent, and could hardly believe it could be true, when the captain had to abort landing, and our hearts sank as the plane rose suddenly back up into the sky. Thankfully, the pilot only wanted to take another lap around Copenhagen skies before landing the plane. Touch down! :-)
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