After a couple of rainy days in San Sebastian, the weather hasn´t improved much when we´re picking up our rental car. Bec thinks it´s a bit of a novelty to try to order our breakfast in Spanish and our lunch in French.
After 5 hours driving through pretty little towns in the French countryside, we finally reach Lourdes- our stop for the night, where Winter has returned and the mountains are white.
The next day we wake up to a beautiful morning (no rain and 8 degrees), and decide to go for a walk to check out the grand cathedral and the castle of Lourdes, which dates back to the 8th Century. Never in our lives have we seen so many nuns and monks, bustling down the streets, and shops filled with flashing flourescent lights shining on the statues of the Virgin Mary.
We would have loved to investigate this phenomenon more closely, but we needed to get into the car and be on our way.
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