I've started learning Swedish at Folkuniversitet where I'll have classes every afternoon during the week. The classes are in a pretty cool building where they used to build submarines, near the marina. From our building I can see the Turning Torso- an interestingly twisty building that is the tallest building in Scandinavia and the second tallest residential building in Europe!
It's something different to be in a classroom with 16 other people who are from all over the world- Ghana, Pakistan, Mumbai, Thailand, Spain, Portugal, Iraq, Bangladesh, Romania... with some of us, our only common language is Swedish so we have to try and stumble through so we can communicate with each other.
It was a strange feeling on the first day to chant the alphabet in Swedish together, play games to learn how to say different numbers, and tell something about ourselves in basic Swedish- it was kind of fun to feel like I was back in primary school!

My school on the right (the orange and grey building with the white pipe running vertically down the side)- next to the Turning Torso building

Off to school...

View towards Malmö central on my way to school
My wonderful husband waiting for me after school

The Swedes sure do know how to make the most of the sunshine outside the city library

Strolling through Lilla Torg (the little square) in Malmö city after class