Hot, sweaty and dripping with mosquito repellent, we haul ourselves up a dusty rope into the heart of the jungle. Thongs probably aren't the footwear of choice, but it's too hot for anything else and the blisters from the sandals aren't worth it.
Backpacks heaving with water- it's a challenge to fill ourselves with more than what seems to be dripping out of every pore. Green glorious green, deep wet colors hanging from above, vines twisting down into the depths searching for cool dark. Strange sounds. Silence. Slithering. Lizards.
We pad along softly... coconuts fallen. A tropical mess of snaking branches and luscious leaves. Steaming sun flicks our faces- we gradually leave the green behind and our gaze edges towards the crystal water glinting at us through the palm trees.
Backpacks strewn, water chugged, clothes torn off, sweaty bodies plunge into the silky blue. Fish nibble, coral crackles, bubbles dance off our fingertips as we paddle through this paradise- eyes wide and glowing through the martian masks. In our journey we see 2 people the whole day- we like our secret island.
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