Whisked away from one paradise to another- we are lucky enough to get to stay at Ko Ngai, which is one of the Trang islands included for day trippers in the popular '4 Islands Trip'. This is one of the few places left in tourist Thailand where there are no roads or cars, no 7 Elevens, and the only thing sprawling out behind the resort is dense jungle.
We spend our days reading, sleeping, eating, and swimming, all of it done overlooking mammoth jagged cliffs; like prehistoric creatures frozen in time, which form a breathtaking backdrop behind glowing torquoize water.
A colorful coral reef fringes the island and we make this our playground for the next 5 days. We're amazed that such a different world, teaming with hundreds of fish exists just 100 meters from our bed...
pincushion sea-urchin, flying fish, sunburnt crabs and rainbow paddlepop colored fish feasting on coral that looks like purple potatoes and pink mushrooms- snap, crackle, and pop in our ears! We're drawn into this surreal new world.
Love the feasting fish sound! Weird isn't it?